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Vatican to Release New Satan Tracker App (Faux News Classic)

Faux News is Good News Vatican to Release New Mobile App Last Saturday the Vatican announced that they would be releasing a new mobile app in time for Christmas. Even though the Vatican has never ventured into this realm before this news comes as no surprise to followers on the new Pope. The Pontifex has made strides forward over the past few years. The previous pope maintained a Twitter account and our current pope has embraced social media and appears to be excelling at it. With rumors and speculation swirling representatives to the Vatican have said that the app will be very similar in design to NORAD's Santa Tracker app. In a clear display that the Vatican still has a sense of humor while still remaining heavily rooted in their religious roots they have christened the app “Satan Tracker.” "Whereas before you could track the location of Santa as he makes his legendary flight around the world," said Vatican representative, Holly Erthanthou, "you can now see the
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